PNeditorial's blog

    21 Jul 2016

    Tim Gee

    A member of the 'Jilted Generation' sees five factors re-shaping young people's sense of national identity....

    In the wake of the June referendum result, newspapers of right and left are reporting that Britain has an identity crisis. As the demographic breakdowns of who voted what show, we are deeply divided in our attitudes, by class, by region, by nation, by colour, and by age. While it's possible that some of these differences can be explained by people's varying assessments of the pros and cons of alternative constitutional frameworks,…

    14 Jul 2016

    Reverend Billy

    A comic preacher from New York responds to the Brexit debate and vote - Earthalujah!

    It sure is strong. Brexit pulls us in. My first response to the vote was to be glad – because we have been fighting for local power for decades here in New York. But Washington is not the same as Brussels. I got my localism confused with the complex struggle of the people the EU left out long ago. And I was (and am) moved by the UK youth who voted three to one to stay in, which has its parallel con-job here in the states. And then from there I exploded into 50 positions. Brexit is a potent…

    14 Jul 2016

    PN staff

    A call from a Center for Citizen Initiatives delegation as it visited Russia

    On June 16, the New York Times reported :

    'More than 50 State Department diplomats have signed an internal memo sharply critical of the Obama administration’s policy in Syria, urging the United States to carry out military strikes against the government of President Bashar al-Assad to stop its persistent violations of a cease-fire…

    14 Jul 2016

    Elizabeth Ingrams

    A thoughtful review of The Truth About Trident: Disarming the Nuclear Argument by Tim Wallis

    The Truth About Trident sets out a blow-by-blow detailed analysis in advance of the forthcoming parliamentary debate about the renewal of Britain’s nuclear weapons’ system known as the ‘main gate’ decision later this year.

    Despite the slightly disingenuous claim of the book that it will act as an objective ‘trial’ of the 30-year-old weapons system, Tim Wallis’s credentials as a leading peace activist reverses this expectation. As he states his intention is that ‘the moral…

    02 Dec 2015

    PN staff

    The Department for Energy and Climate Change was renamed the 'department for extreme climate change' as COP21, the UN climate negotiations, opened in Paris.

    Five Christian climate protestors were arrested in Whitehall on 30 November for protesting against government hypocrisy on climate change, which they called a 'climate whitewash'. The five, from Christian Climate Action, were arrested for criminal damage after writing in whitewash and black paint on the wall of the DECC (department for energy and…

    20 Nov 2015

    PN staff

    After four years of legal struggle, the Metropolitan police finally concede that undercover relationships were an abuse of power and violated women's human rights

    ImageStatement by the eight women:

    In the apology issued today by assistant commissioner Martin Hewitt, the Metropolitan Police finally conceded that 'officers, acting undercover whilst seeking to infiltrate protest groups, entered into…

    26 Oct 2015

    Michael Randle

    A tribute to Peace News's ground-breaking drama critic 


    Albert Hunt, critic, playwright and educator, and former staff member and drama critic of Peace News, was part of the wave of innovators that transformed the British theatrical scene in the 1960s and 1970s…

    26 Oct 2015

    Cathy Breen

    A father and son escape from the violence and chaos of Iraq and seek refuge in Europe.


    24 October 2015

    When I can’t sleep at night I have the bad habit of listening to world news on the radio. This seems to be a family trait that I inherited from my father. The wave of refugees trying to find safety in…

    26 Oct 2015

    Kathy Kelly

    A young Afghan peace activist sets out his hopes for the future.

    Afghan peace activist Esmatullah

    24 October 2015

    Kabul - Tall, lanky, cheerful and confident, Esmatullah easily engages his young students at the Street Kids School, a project of Kabul’s “…

    08 Oct 2015

    PN staff

    Older feminists gather in London at the end of November.


    WERE YOU ACTIVE IN THE 1970s, 1960s, 1980s?

    Join the 70s-sisters’ network, and start the Feminist Forum to express our vision in politics.

    For the past five years the 70s-sisters have been meeting in small consciousness raising groups to address the issues that face us in our own lives, in our generation and at this moment in history.

    Now we are also launching the Feminist Forum, a new…

    08 Oct 2015

    PN staff

    A long-time anti-war activist has been jailed for six weeks for refusing to pay his council tax on the grounds that the UK government is engaged in terrorism

    ImageOn 7 October, Chris Coverdale of Rye, East Sussex, was imprisoned for 42 days by Hastings magistrate court, for refusing to pay over £1,800 in council tax to Rother district council.

    According to the…

    07 Oct 2015

    Denise Drake

    Turning the Tide is recruiting trainers to join its volunteer training team. 

    ImageTurning the Tide supports people at the grassroots to work effectively for social change. The trainers deliver workshops and events and are supported by the community of trainers and Turning the Tide staff.

    The opportunity is open to anyone sympathetic to…

    07 Oct 2015

    Elisa Haf

    Sometimes something like a public therapy session, a feminist performance about the female body that got stronger and more daring as it went on

    Imagehoo:ha bills itself as 'comic performance art that cleverly pits funniness against sexiness in a knock-down, drag-out fight for control of the female body'. It was definitely funny, and it was often funny about sexiness, but there wasn't much of a…

    06 Oct 2015

    Elisa Haf

    A disturbing play about guns, male violence against women and sex

    ImageThis was one of the most powerful pieces of theatre I've seen in a long time. The audience was promised gun-twirlin', play-actin', and Nancy-Sinatra-dancin'. We got all those things, and we didn't get any strong swear words, explicit sexual references, nudity, or actual bloodshed. Technically, it was a show you could have…

    02 Oct 2015

    Angie Zelter

    A new Trident Ploughshares project to involve local magistrates' courts throughout Britain in the struggle against the Trident nuclear weapon system

    Trident Ploughshares has today, 1 October 2015, launched a project to encourage groups around England and Wales to go to their local magistrates court to try and initiate a citizen's prosecution against the secretary of state for defence for conspiring to commit a war crime.

    If this is done in many places, lots of local people will hear the arguments for and against Trident and the legal system will have to deal with the multiple attempts to get the courts to examine the legality of…