Blog posts

    05 Apr 2011

    Gill Knight, Kim Bullimore

    <p>A short film by Kim Bullimore, complementing Gill Knight's piece in the April 2011 issue of Peace News.</p>

    Village Life
    by Gill Knight
    from PN 2532, April 2011

    During my time working with the International Women’s Peace Service I have witnessed many human rights abuses in the West Bank Palestine – house demolitions, settler violence, army and settler destruction of olive trees and fields, army intimidation of workers – the list goes on.

    But none has been more heart rending than the Israeli attempt to crush the nonviolent Popular Resistance to the…

    28 Mar 2011

    Jill Gibbon

    Jill Gibbon at the 2011 Lib Dem Conference


    The Lib Dem Spring conference was the focus of anti-cuts protests in Sheffield this weekend. Hidden behind two million pounds of security fencing and applauded by the party faithful, Nick Clegg seemed oblivious. He was just elated to ‘have the reins of power’.


    24 Mar 2011

    Virginia Moffatt

    How to deal with police "kettling" tactics

    I’m currently in training for the London Marathon (more details here), a slightly mad endeavour which means putting myself through increasing long runs in and around Oxford. I tend to find I do a lot of musing as I run, and it crossed my mind the other week that my experience actually might be be of use in the event of getting caught in a kettle. Since there’s a rather big protest coming up this weekend with kettling…

    20 Mar 2011


    An anonymous article sent to PN explains how you can fill in your Census form without benefiting arms company Lockheed Martin or creating funding problems for local authorities.

    US Arms Manufacturer Lockheed Martin has the contracy for the 2011 UK Census in March this year.

    The US arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin makes Trident nuclear missiles, cluster bombs and fighter jets and is involved in data processing for the CIA and FBI. It has provided private contract interrogators for the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. Lockheed Martin has the UK Government contract to process the data for the 2011 census in March. (Observer, 20 February 2011)

    20 Mar 2011


    An anonymous article sent to PN explains how you can fill in your Census form without benefiting arms company Lockheed Martin or creating funding problems for local authorities.

    (Updated as at 18-03-2011)

    US Arms Manufacturer Lockheed Martin has the contract for the 2011 UK Census in March this year.

    The arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin US makes Trident nuclear missiles, cluster bombs and fighter jets and is involved in data processing for the CIA and FBI. It has provided private contract interrogators for the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. Lockheed Martin has the UK Government contract to collect the process the data for the 2011…

    18 Mar 2011

    Gill Knight

    <p>Gill Knight reflects on Palestinian steadfastness</p>

    Nabi Saleh is still on my mind and so is the new word I have learnt – “sumoud”. Picture this, during the afternoon of the demo, when things were quiet a group of us gathered under the water tower in the main square and sat on some pipes in a u-shape to chew the fat. Ben, an Israeli activist, appeared with a coffee pot and glass cups from a nearby house and we had a welcome coffee break.

    Just as we finished and the cups collected, three soldiers appeared at the edge of the square and…

    18 Mar 2011

    Jill Gibbon

    Jill Gibbon in Parliament

    Drawing (along with shouting, swearing, throwing things and throwing up) is not allowed in the houses of parliament. All the more reason to do it. Here is David Cameron defending the SAS mission to Libya in PMQs last week.

    14 Mar 2011

    Joanna Bazley

    <p>Joanna Bazley examines the Cameron-Sarkozy treaty</p>

    The ‘Teutates’ agreement was signed by David Cameron and President Sarkozy in November and presented as an exercise in military economy. We were told that we and the French have similar needs in the ‘stewardship’ of our nuclear arsenals, and that sharing research facilities will save expensive duplication. What was not stressed was that this treaty commits both nations to undertake a 50-year programme of cooperation on nuclear weapons technology at a new hydrodynamics research facility known…

    02 Mar 2011

    David Gribble

    <p>Should ex-soldiers be enlisted as teachers?</p>

    I have just read that Lordswood School in Birmingham employs ex-soldiers as teachers and runs a cadet-force to which a fifth of the pupils belong. They wear uniforms and they are taught to shoot.

    Michael Gove believes this is the right way to tackle disorder in the classroom. He says, ‘The presence of role models who have the sort of experience in taking young people and forging them into a cohesive team and instilling discipline; I think that will be immensely valuable.’ (Quoted in…

    22 Feb 2011

    Gill Knight

    Is 'the Gate of the Sun' tent camp the beginning of a new form of non-violent resitence?

    ImageThe jubilant celebrations I witnessed in Palestine when the UN General Assembly voted for an observer state status are in direct conflict with the grim reality on the ground. All non-violent demonstrations that resist the occupation of Palestine are deemed illegal and suppressed by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) – relabelled to reflect…

    22 Feb 2011

    Virginia Moffatt

    <p>Virginia Moffatt on the "p" word ...</p>

    Chris’ recent  stay in Wandsworth Prison has led to some interesting conversations lately. And that’s got me thinking about when I became a pacifist and why I still am one.

    I’m not sure I can pinpoint an exact moment in my life when pacifism made sense to me. But I know the milestones. The first was reading the World War 1 poets – particularly Wilfred Owen - whose  lines in…

    09 Feb 2011

    Emily Johns

    Emily Johns' self-portraits before the first (1991) Gulf War.

    This is a set of pictures that I drew in 1991 in the nights leading up to the first Gulf War. They are not very hopeful, but maybe in themselves they were an attempt to avert the very apparent horrors that war would bring. Partly they were an attempt at magic and partly they were like willing the aeroplane’s wings not to fall off when you are 50,000 feet up in the air. It would take an awful lot of poppies now to mark the dead of the last twenty years.

    09 Feb 2011

    Lauren Mateer

    PFC Bradley Manning has been in a maximum-security prison in Virginia, USA for the past eight months after being accused of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks. This information includes the “Collateral Murder” video, which depicts a 2007 US helicopter attack in Iraq that killed 12 people. Manning has been in solitary confinement and under constant surveillance although he has not yet been tried or convicted of his crimes.

    Manning is being held in the Quantico Confinement…

    02 Feb 2011


    Follow-up piece to Virginia’s earlier post

    Christian peace activist Chris Cole was released from HMP Wandsworth this morning after serving 15 days for an act of civil disobedience. Cole was arrested in 2009 for criminal damage in response to a nonviolent direct action at the Defense and Security Equipment International 2009 Arms Fair. He spray painted the entrance to the conference center with ‘Make Peace, not war machines’ and the ground outside with ‘Stop this bloody business’ and ‘Arms trade = death.’ After his arrest, Cole was…

    31 Jan 2011

    Sareena Rai

    Rai Ko Ris, a punk band from Nepal, toured Europe last autumn. Frontwoman Sareena Rai describes how the anarchist scene surprised her.


    “WHITE MAN DESTROYS CULTURE” is printed in big letters on a sticker at a venue in West Germany where we played. This phrase became my “theme” as we continued to tour throughout Europe. I realized how just reading about stuff or about people’s lives is simply not enough. There’s nothing more important than meeting people from different worlds. I talked a lot about how white man may have destroyed something in the past, but right now I felt that white people can give something back by…