Two wings bad

Letter by Tony Augarde, Oxford

ImageRoy St Pierre (PN 2540-41) suggests that there is a simple solution to many of our woes: banning cars completely.

This is not simple but simplistic. He overlooks (as he shouldn’t) the millions of disabled and elderly people who need a car to get around. For example, as a semi-disabled person, I cannot get to the Post Office without a car.

And is he really proposing to do away with ambulances, fire engines, and other forms of transport which meet social needs and help community life?

More fitting for his condemnation would be those environmental “activists” who travel hundreds of miles by air to give lectures or seminars. In fact, I’m a bit fed up with so many self-righteous environmentalists telling us what we should be doing to “save the planet”.

By the way, parts of Roy’s website describe him travelling several times on trains, which I hope he checked were non-polluting!

Topics: Transport