Hip-hop soldier

News in Brief

Marc Hall, a soldier based at Fort Stewart, Georgia, who has already served in Iraq, has been jailed for recording a protest song. Marc was due to have left the army this month at the end of his military contract. Instead he has been “stop-lossed” for a further deployment to Iraq. “Stop loss” refers to the US military’s power to require soldiers to remain in service beyond their normal discharge date.
Marc, a hip-hop artist, recorded “Stop Loss”, a song expressing his frustrations about his situation – in which he fantasised about massacring his commanders.
His commanders found the song’s lyrics amounted to the “communication of a threat” and Marc was jailed on 11 December, charged with the court martial offence of committing an action prejudicial to good order and discipline in the armed forces.
He is awaiting trial on five charges. Send letters of protest to Marc’s commanding officer: CPT Cross, Commander, B 2-7 INF BN, Fort Stewart GA 31314, USA.

Topics: Iraq