Peace News is the newspaper for the UK grassroots peace and justice movement

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Editorial: Still for nonviolent anarchism

Anarchism is not just 'spontaneity and structurelessness', argues Milan Rai

In the cracks between

Which TV show regularly reminds us that people are 'for the most part ... kind, caring and empathetic'?

Radical Music: Charlotte Church

'A call for one group's liberation does not imply another's destruction'

Diary: 'Validate!'

'It's guilt-inducing to say no'

Poynted remarks

Do mobs rule?

What else

We all need to get a little rest sometimes, says Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Babies against bombs

Placards, Gaza march, London, 9 March 2024

‘Positive freedom’ and ‘love of life’

Revisiting the insights of German Jewish thinker Erich Fromm (1900 – 1980)

Film activists better

A guide to filming protests on your smartphone – for maximum impact – by one of the most experienced activist filmmakers around.

Preserving the US empire with nuclear weapons

Part of a recent online talk for PN by a longtime US peace activist 

Another report from the West Bank by the Israeli-…

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is ready to try to break the siege on Gaza.